Environment variables
  • A variable whose value is set and stored outside of the program.
  • The functionality is built into the development environment's operating system or the hosting service.

process - is the global object in Node.js that stores built in functionality and properties.

To view -> enter in command-line:

  • $ node
  • $ console.log(process)

env - the property created by Node on the process object that stores environmental variables as key/value pairs.

To view -> enter in command-line:

  • $ node
  • $ console.log(process.env)

Creating local .env variables:

  • create .gitignore file in the root of your project
  • create a .env file in the root of your project
  • add .env to .gitignore file
  • name a variable in all caps -> API_KEY
  • give a value to the variable -> API_KEY='12i34123g5134kjh5g3'

Accessing local .env variables:

  • install dotenv npm package:

npn i dotenv

  • require dotenv into your project:

if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { require('dotenv').config(); }

  • access any variable values stored in the .env file with:


Environment variables in Create React App:

  • Create React App already includes the dotenv package.
  • Create React App calls dotenv.config() for you in node_modules.
  • Create React App populates process.env with the contents of the .env file when you start the app.
  • You must prefix your env variables with REACT_APP.


From Create React APP docs:


  • Do not store any secrets (such as private API keys) in your React app!
  • Environment variables are embedded into the build, meaning anyone can view them by inspecting your app's files.

Checkout Jim Medlock's article for more info.