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10 Posts

How to create HTML with JavaScript

06 September, 2019

Create the element tag: const btn = document.createElement('button') Create text for the element: const btnText = document.createTextNode…

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Accessible Forms

29 August, 2019

What makes a form accessible? Clean HTML with semantic tags. Organized, meaningful and easy to use. Use appropriate aria information. A…

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Environment variables

24 August, 2019

A variable whose value is set and stored outside of the program. The functionality is built into the development environment's operating…

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How to install fonts in Gatsby

24 August, 2019

Install the file from npm or yarn npm i typeface-fira-mono add the require to the gatsby-browser.js file require("typeface-fira-mono") DONE.

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How to install create simple page transitions

24 August, 2019

Install the file from npm or yarn npm install --save gatsby-plugin-page-transitions Add the resolve to the gatsby-config.js file Adjust…

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XSS attacks in React

24 August, 2019

XSS = Cross-site scripting. A web application allows user input that is not validated or encoded. Malicious code (script) is injected into the web application. The malicious script can then be delivered to other users.

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Testing Express Applications

23 August, 2019

Why? Increases confidence in changing/ maintaining code. Makes code more reuseable. Debugging is easier / faster.

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HTTPS Request / Response Life-cycle

22 August, 2019

User enters url -> Browser sends request -> Server parses url && header -> Server sends response object.

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Express Router

21 August, 2019

Express Router is a middleware for creating modular route handlers.

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Architecture and setup of a basic Express application

19 August, 2019

Express: A framework for building web servers in Node.js. Reads and interprets HTTP requests from clients.

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