How to install create simple page transitions
  1. Install the file from npm or yarn

    npm install --save gatsby-plugin-page-transitions

  2. Add the resolve to the gatsby-config.js file

      resolve: "gatsby-plugin-page-transitions",
      options: {
        transitionTime: 1000,
  3. Adjust transitionTime in gatsby-config.js to preferred speed (Defaults to 250ms).
  4. Add import PageTransition from "gatsby-plugin-page-transitions to the layout.js
  5. Wrap <PageTransition/> component around the component that takes the children.

        const Layout = ({ children }) => {
            return (
                <Nav />
                    © {new Date().getFullYear()}, Built by &nbsp;{" "}
                    <Link to="">
                        {" "}
                        Isaac Pierce
        Layout.propTypes = {
        children: PropTypes.node.isRequired,
        export default Layout

Now all pages wrapped in the layout will animate transition.