Testing Express Applications
- Increases confidence in changing/ maintaining code.
- Makes code more reuseable.
- Debugging is easier / faster.
Testing Pattern:
- Assemble data to be tested (eg. an array in specific format).
- Call the function that is being tested.
- Assert that the results of the function call are as expected.
Unit tests
- Tests the smallest testable part of a program.
Integration Tests
- Tests the interaction between a group of individual units of software.
System Tests
- Tests a complete and integrated software system.
Mocha - testing framework:
- a function for building a test suite with one or more test cases.it()
- a function for defining individual test cases.- Use the
function to describe a part of the app that needs to be tested. - ask "what if" questions to determine what needs to be tested.
- in the callback function to
add anit()
function to test each "what if" - write the answers to the "what if" questions as the description to the
NOTE - Mocha Does not have a built in assertion library. Use Chia for assertions.
describe('SAMPLE TEST SUITE', () => {
// test case #1
it('should test an individual test case', () => {
// test case code
// test case #2
it('should throw an error when test case fails', () => {
//test case fail code
Chai - Assertion Library:
- Integrates well with Mocha.
- Asserts that your the component you are testing does what you expect it to do.
Supertest - tests HTTP calls